How About Me_Rizki Syamsu Ma'arif


Introduce my name Rizki Syamsu Ma'arif. I come from Pacitan, East Java. I was born on November 19, 2004. My faculty is Teaching and Education. My study program is English Language Education. The origin of my school is Wates Islamic Boarding School Pacitan. My hobby is playing music. My favorite food is rice, and my favorite drink is cold water. I also enjoy pranking my friends, because that has been my hobby since childhood. I have experience when I took part in the geogfraphy olympiad in grades 10 and 11 at the district level. And when I was in grade 12 I took part in the district level mathematics olympiad. I also have experience joining the IPNU IPPNU organization and have been a branch and subsidiary administrator. Maybe that's all for this article. That is all and thank you.
